Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

In the Privacy Policy you will find information on how we use the personal data you provide to us, how we secure it and what rights and obligations you have in this regard. It is also our goal to duly inform you on matters related to the processing of personal data, especially in view of the content of the new data protection regulations, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016 on the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“RODO”).

2. The administrator of your personal data is:

ROMET sp. z o.o.
Podgrodzie 32c
39-200 Dębica
tel. 146848101

The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer with whom you can contact in matters relating to the protection of personal data and the exercise of rights related thereto. Please address all correspondence related to the processing of your personal data to the Data Protection Officer at the Administrator’s address with the notation “PERSONAL DATA”:

ROMET sp. z o.o.
Podgrodzie 32c
39-200 Dębica
tel. 146848101

3. Personal data and what it means to process them:

Personal data means information about an identified or identifiable natural person. Personal data processing is basically any action on personal data, regardless of whether it is done by automated means or not, such as collecting, storing, capturing, organizing, modifying, viewing, using, sharing, limiting, deleting or destroying.

4. Processing purpose:

ROMET sp. z o.o. processes personal data for various purposes, and depending on the purpose, different methods of collection, legal basis for processing, use, disclosure and retention periods may apply.

Your personal data may be processed for:
• to execute the Agreement, Covenant, or to take actions necessary to conclude the Agreement, Covenant (Article 6(1)(b) of the RODO),
• to conclude an Agreement with the Online Store, to process orders made in our Online Stores and to make payment for goods or services purchased in the Online Stores. If you provide your personal data in order to conclude an Agreement with the Online Store, providing your personal data is a condition for concluding this Agreement. Providing personal data in this situation is voluntary, but the consequence of not providing such data will be the inability to conclude an Agreement with the Online Store,
• handling and settlement by the Bank of transfers made by customers of the Online Store over the Internet using payment instruments (legal basis Article 6(f) of the DPA),
• verification by the Bank of the due performance of the Contracts concluded with the Online Shop, in particular to ensure the protection of the interests of the payers in connection with the complaints submitted by them (legal basis Article 6(1)(f) RODO),
• feedback contact through the contact form provided on the Administrator’s website,
• To arrange and implement test rides on motorcycles and bicycles,
• priority of vehicle reservations,
• analytical in product and service selection and customer satisfaction surveys,
• All commercial communication regarding receivables, accounting records including for VAT invoices,
• archival for the eventual need to establish, assert and secure claims or defend against claims,
• marketing, if you have given your consent, to the extent of the personal data provided for this purpose, including informing about offers and promotions, making them public in marketing content on the Administrator’s services, in particular in the Administrator’s customer database, on the website and on social networks – Facebook, Instagram, etc., as well as possible printed publications: catalogs, advertising in trade media, etc..,
• transferring your personal data to other entities cooperating with the Administrator in connection with the execution of orders in the Online Store,
• Fulfillment of legal obligations imposed on the Administrator in accordance with the law (legal basis Article 6(1)(c) RODO),
• Conducting direct marketing of services provided by the Administrator by promoting, advertising and offering them on the basis of the consent granted (legal basis of Article 6(1)(a) RODO),
• resulting from legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator (Article 6(1)(f) RODO),
• internal administrative purposes of the Administrator, including conducting management analysis, statistical analysis, researching market trends and reporting for the Administrator’s internal needs,
• For the purposes of informing you about the activities organized by the Administrator,
• sending newsletters – if you have agreed to receive them,
• Recruitment – if you have sent us your application,
• processing of complaints submitted by you, realization of claims under the guarantee and return of benefits in case of withdrawal from the Agreement (return of goods),
• responding to your inquiries (if you have called or written to us with an inquiry about a quote or asked us to prepare a quote),
• conducting correspondence with you.

5. Sources and categories of personal data processed:

We collect your personal data on a voluntary basis; however, if you do not consent to our processing of your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with electronic services and you may not be able to make purchases from our online stores. Based on the data you provide to us via telephone, fax, email, newsletter sign-up form or contact form, we process your personal data, such as:

• name,
• e-mail,
• phone number,
• residence or delivery address,
• company data,
• login name for login,
• data for processing complaints and performing warranty claims

If you visit our websites in an automatic way, IT data about your visit are collected, in particular:

• IP adress,
• type of operating system,
• browser type and type.

A mere visit to our websites does not require you to provide any other information or personal data.

6. Recipients of personal data:

Recipients of your personal data may be:
• entities that provide and maintain information systems,
• entities organizing and conducting promotional or marketing activities on behalf of the Administrator (including but not limited to promotional campaigns, mailing, SMS, loyalty programs, advertising agencies),
• Entities that process personal data under Personal Data Processing Entrustment Agreements (so-called processors),
• entities providing hosting services to ROMET sp. z o.o.,
• entities implementing marketing or sales campaigns on behalf of ROMET sp. z o.o.,
• other subcontractors of ROMET sp. z o.o. providing services in the field of providing software, servicing of software or hardware used by ROMET sp. z o.o., as well as suppliers of goods with the help of which we use,
• Auditors and chartered accountants, legal advisors,
• Law enforcement authorities, regulators and other public administrations,
• courier companies executing shipments on behalf of the Administrator for the delivery of goods ordered in the Online Store, dealing with the delivery of ordered goods,
• banks and payment institutions cooperating with the Online Store in connection with their processing of payments made by you to the Online Stores.

7. The Company does not transfer your personal data to third countries, i.e. outside the European Economic Area.

8. Data retention period:

The length of time for which we may process personal data depends on the legal basis for the processing of personal data by the Administrator. In the policies in effect at ROMET sp. z o.o., including data retention policies, we specify that we are never allowed to process personal data beyond the period of time that is required by the aforementioned legal basis. Accordingly, we inform you that:
• where the Administrator processes personal data on the basis of consent, the processing period lasts until the user withdraws that consent,
• where the Controller processes personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest of the Controller, the period of processing shall last until the aforementioned interest ceases to exist (e.g. the statute of limitations for civil law claims) or until the data subject objects to further such processing – in situations where such an objection is entitled under the law,
• In the event that the Administrator processes personal data because it is necessary due to applicable laws, the processing periods for this purpose are determined by those laws,
• In the absence of specific legal or contractual requirements, the basic data retention period for records and other documentary evidence produced in the course of contract performance is a maximum of 10 years,
• if you send your resume to us, it will be stored and processed for current recruitment – 6 months, and in the case of consent to participate in future recruitment – 1 year,

9. Cookies Policy.

We collect personal information automatically through cookies found on our websites. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or other mobile device when you use websites. These files are used, among other things, to make use of various functions provided for on a given website or to confirm that a given user has seen certain content from a given website. Among cookies, we can distinguish those that are necessary for the operation of ROMET sp. z o.o. websites. Cookies belonging to this category are used to provide:

• Maintaining user sessions,
• Saving the user’s session status,
• Enabling authentication using a login service,
• Storing information that allows the user to log in anonymously,
• Storing the information necessary for the operation of the online shopping cart for online purchases.

Another category of cookies, are those that, although not necessary for the use of the sites, facilitate their use. They are used to enable:
• Restore the last visited view the next time you log into the product,
• remembering the user’s choice to stop displaying the selected message or to display it a certain number of times,
• Restore user session,
• Remembering the last selected category in the product,
• Verify that the record to cookies is functioning properly,
• Enabling automatic log-in to the product (“remember me” option),
• Tailoring product content to users’ preferences,
• setting your preferred language, currency, font size and other such properties to make working with the application easier,
• Restore the last search result in the product,
• display of recently browsed products in the online store,
• display of the last selected sorting parameter.
ROMET sp. z o.o. also uses the services of third parties, the list of which is constantly changing, which use cookies for the following purposes:
• Monitoring traffic to our websites,
• collecting anonymous, aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how users use our website and enable us to continuously improve our products,
• determining the number of anonymous users of our websites, required to analyze the use of ROMET sp. z o.o. websites,
• Controlling how often the selected content is shown to users,
• Controlling how often users select a particular service,
• A survey of newsletter sign-ups,
• Use of the communication tool,
• Social network integration,
• online payments.

As part of its operations, the Administrator uses the services and tools of the following partners who use cookies on the websites:
• Google Analytics,
• Facebook, Instagram,
• Payu ,
• Otomoto,

At the same time, we would also like to inform you that some elements of ROMET sp. z o.o. websites are operated by external advertisers who place behavioral ads on ROMET sp. z o.o. websites. Content from external providers, may contain third-party cookies, and therefore the user is advised to familiarize himself with the rules of use of these cookies to operate websites by these external providers.

Most often, your browser settings allow cookies to be saved by default. If you do not agree to save these files on your device you must change your browser settings accordingly. The change may consist in not storing cookies on your device, or informing you each time a particular file is stored on your device. You can also delete the files from your device each time after visiting the website. Detailed information about the possibility and methods of handling cookies is available in the settings and “Help” section of your web browser. Remember, however, that restrictions on the use of cookies may make it difficult or impossible to use the website. Your device’s browser settings that allow the storing of files means that you consent to these files being stored on your device.

10. We collect information regarding the use of the sites by its users and their IP addresses based on analysis of access logs. We use this information in diagnosing problems related to the operation of the server, analyzing possible security breaches and in managing the website. In addition, we use the IP address for statistical purposes, i.e. to collect and analyze demographic data of site visitors (e.g. information about the region from which the connection was made). Based on the information obtained in the above-mentioned manner, aggregate, general statistical summaries are made in specific cases. They usually include information about the website’s audience. However, as we emphasize, these summaries do not contain any data allowing identification (determination of identity) of a given user of the service. At the same time, we would like to inform you that we may be obliged to disclose information concerning the IP number of a given user of the website at the request of state authorities authorized to do so under applicable laws in connection with their investigations.

11. The Administrator shall ensure the security of personal data through appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unlawful data processing and accidental loss, destruction and damage. We use the latest technologies and special procedures to protect personal data. We use modern mechanisms to protect transmitted data, including, in particular, encryption connections. Your personal data is stored in a database that uses technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of processed data in accordance with the requirements set forth by generally applicable laws on the protection of personal data.

12. Information on entitlements:
You have the right to:

• Request access to your personal data,
• Request the rectification of your personal data,
• Request the deletion of your personal data (“right to be forgotten”),
• Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data,
• object to the processing of your personal data,
• To transfer your personal data,
• revoke consent to the processing of your personal data (if such consent was given).

In addition, in connection with the processing of your personal data by the Administrator, you have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


ROMET sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time. Users are required to familiarize themselves with the changes when they access our website.